Nipsun nöpötykset

Elämää minimaailmassa - Living in Miniature World

Leikkimökki - Playhouse

Pakkohan tämäkin on tänne laittaa. Tuli siitä niin syötävän suloinen :) Leikkimökki, jonka teimme tyttärellemme :)

I just have to put this here. It's so sweet that I could eat it :) It's a playhouse we made for our daughter :)


lucky little daughter!!! :)


Aaw, onpas suloinen! :) Tuolla kyllä kelpaa leikkiä ihan varmasti :)


So cute--it would be wonderful as a dollhouse too! I love the colors! xo Jennifer


She's very lucky!
Kiss Faby


Hello from Spain: I just discovered your blog and I really like your creations. The fruit is very real. I also like the summer house for your daughter. It's a dream house. I also collect miniatures and dollhouses. Right now I have a blog dedicated to the Barbies that I invite you to visit: If you want to keep in touch from blog to blog


Voi mikä ihanuus! Sehän on kuin vaahtokarkki! :)


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